mmg betul kot..
assalamualaikum kawan kawan...
haa..i still try my best to manage my blog...
sorry ya....;j
dear bloggers...
thought u all might enjoy this...
i hv smthing to share...
n i is true...=D
someone asked me before...
WHAT is it that's hard to break??
WHAT is the hardest thing to break??
n my answer = stone = a big stone...
hahhahaaa...of coz lah salah kan.....
then,that someone replied...
the answer = HABIT
but why habit??
if u break the H, u still hv A BIT..
if u break the A, u still hv BIT..
if u break the B, u still hv IT...
if u break the T in IT, there's still the I...mean,the person...
the person at the end of the day, is the root off all the problems...
sng kata lah kan...masalah dtg dari diri kita sndiri....
owh buddies...dun ask me y dun we break the I first...
sbb sbb sbb..lau break the I,mean xjadilah cerita ini...hahhahah~
u got it?? u got it?? paham x?? paham x?? xpelah...
aq sndiri pun xpaham n xtaw kenapa xnak break huruf I tuh dulu...hahaha~ -___-"
so,as a conclusion...
now i know, y HABIT is so hard to break..
its destiny is in its name!!!
hehee..tuh sje...
P/S : tapi mmg betul kot...habit bnde paling sukar nak diubah unless we are ready to change and break it...habit aq,suke tido...ko ade?? hahhaha~
haa..i still try my best to manage my blog...
sorry ya....;j
dear bloggers...
thought u all might enjoy this...
i hv smthing to share...
n i is true...=D
someone asked me before...
WHAT is it that's hard to break??
WHAT is the hardest thing to break??
n my answer = stone = a big stone...
hahhahaaa...of coz lah salah kan.....
then,that someone replied...
the answer = HABIT
but why habit??
if u break the H, u still hv A BIT..
if u break the A, u still hv BIT..
if u break the B, u still hv IT...
if u break the T in IT, there's still the I...mean,the person...
the person at the end of the day, is the root off all the problems...
sng kata lah kan...masalah dtg dari diri kita sndiri....
owh buddies...dun ask me y dun we break the I first...
sbb sbb sbb..lau break the I,mean xjadilah cerita ini...hahhahah~
u got it?? u got it?? paham x?? paham x?? xpelah...
aq sndiri pun xpaham n xtaw kenapa xnak break huruf I tuh dulu...hahaha~ -___-"
so,as a conclusion...
now i know, y HABIT is so hard to break..
its destiny is in its name!!!
hehee..tuh sje...
P/S : tapi mmg betul kot...habit bnde paling sukar nak diubah unless we are ready to change and break it...habit aq,suke tido...ko ade?? hahhaha~
November 4, 2011 at 7:08 AM
mcm aku, kalau dah tempat tu je aku lepak. Situ jelah smpai lebam.
November 4, 2011 at 11:55 AM
nice n3 la sis!hee
November 5, 2011 at 3:24 AM
"kalo U break kan I, punah la jiwa I..." ayat putus cinta...
p/s: ada kena mengena tak ngan entri? hahaha... sambung citer td...
November 6, 2011 at 10:09 PM
like2 !
November 7, 2011 at 12:42 AM
November 8, 2011 at 4:02 AM
habit yg susah nak ditinggal kan ermm ermm ermm...apa ye?
November 8, 2011 at 7:27 AM
hehe .. nama pn dah habit .. memang susah r nk tinggal :p
November 10, 2011 at 9:21 AM
I = individu. Bila individu awal2 lagi dah dibuang habis la cerita. Tak ada guna nak buang habit bila individu dah tak ada. Paham tak? Paham tak? ;D
Tengah mencuba buang habit suka menunda-nunda sesuatu kerja..
November 19, 2011 at 4:03 AM
gile aku rindu kat pembebelan
kau wehhhh..
mane pergi entah...
December 6, 2011 at 8:25 AM
habit mmg sukar nak buang laaa, macam lau kita berpeluk tubuh nak silang tangan, biler kita suh tukar, boleh pada mawktu tuh, tp biler suh buat balik, ia akan ikut kepada keadaan normal macam kita selalu buat.. so, don't start a bad habit..