lamer giler gua xupdate!!!!!!!!!!!
salam sume....
err...maap lah ye kalian...
dah lama gile gua xupdate ini blog....heeee
my life is gud...being a student,so many things to do...
assignmnet lah,test lah,quiz lah, presentation lah...
-___-"...what a hectic life...
oke...act,nothing to share abt...
juz wnna share wth u...
wth dis pix....
on 4th march,i had a trip wth all my coursem8...
under club law society....
we went to palace of justice and also parliament...
hahahaa..dah lama giler bru gua nak cter an...
xpelah...jnji cter....
oke enjoy ya....=))
yahhh..dat is it...hehehhee...
there still thousands of pixas on dis trip...
but,da speed of my tenet not allowed me to upload any other pixas...
n yes..thankx to our photographer of da day...
ko memanglah hebat....
cian ko kene layan perangai gedix kteowang..hahhaa~
hehee..tuh sje...
March 19, 2011 at 5:09 PM
ulat berlakon.